Privacy statement

Privacy statement

Meuwissen Gerritsen B.V. is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal data customers provide to us. We therefore inform you below how we use your personal data. We therefore recommend that you read this Privacy Statement carefully.

What happens to your data?
When you use our services and/or products or request a quote for them, you will be asked to enter your personal data. Data we collect: name and address, email address, telephone number, payment details and data about your activities on our website.
We use this data to provide the services and/or products you have purchased and to make communication about these as quick and easy as possible. In addition, these data are necessary for handling payments. The basis for processing this data is the performance of the concluded agreement and partly a legal obligation.
You can subscribe to our newsletters, thereby giving us express permission to send the newsletters to you. This keeps you informed of developments within Meuwissen Gerritsen B.V. . If you no longer wish to receive newsletters, please use the link provided in the newsletter.

Otherwise, we will only use your personal data with your permission. Meuwissen Gerritsen B.V. will only make your personal data available to third parties if you have given your consent. Our employees and third parties engaged by us are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data. Meuwissen Gerritsen B.V. will not sell or rent your personal data to third parties. Meuwissen Gerritsen B.V. will not further disclose personally identifiable information to third parties, unless required to do so by law.

How do we protect your information?
We use technological security measures to protect your information. Your personal information is kept in secure networks and is only accessible by a limited number of people. We recognise our responsibility to secure the data you entrust to us. Our intention is to safeguard the quality and integrity of personal information.

We do not retain your data for longer than is permitted by law and necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed. If you request a quote from us but do not become a customer, we will delete your data no later than two years after our last contact. If you do become a client, we will retain your personal data for a period of seven years after the end of the financial year in which the agreement with you was fully executed.

Does Meuwissen Gerritsen B.V. use cookies?
On the website we use cookies. Meuwissen Gerritsen B.V. keeps track of which hosts and web browsers the website is visited by. This data is analysed for statistical information. The information obtained is only used to improve the website.

Websites of third parties
This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites that may be visited through links on We are also not liable for the privacy protection or content of these websites.

How can you contact us to view, amend or delete data?
Requests from users to view, amend or delete personal information will be dealt with as soon as possible, but within four weeks. You can submit a request to this effect by email:
Please note that you have the possibility to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority: the Authority for Personal Data:

Questions and comments
Should you have any further questions about Meuwissen Gerritsen B.V.’s Privacy Statement, please send an e-mail to

Changes Privacy Statement
It may happen that we make changes to our privacy statement. If that happens, we will mention it on this page. This version is dated June 2020